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BIOFACH and VIVANESS: Joint trade fair goes digital in 2021

BIOFACH and VIVANESS: Joint trade fair goes digital in 2021

In 2021 BIOFACH and VIVANESS will take place as a purely digital format. The World’s Leading Trade Fair for Organic Food and the International Trade Fair for Natural and Organic Personal Care will be held as a BIOFACH / VIVANESS eSpecial. In making this decision, organiser NürnbergMesse is responding to the altered circumstances of the dynamically evolving pandemic and its effects on the global organic food and natural and organic cosmetics community. At the same time, this move will allow secure planning for the entire globally connected sector. The dates for the BIOFACH / VIVANESS 2021 eSpecial are 17-19 February.
Petra Wolf, member of the NürnbergMesse management board, had this to say: “The numerous conversations and in-depth dialogue we have had in recent weeks and months have made one thing clear to us. Within the organic food and natural and organic cosmetics sector the desire for interaction, networking and knowledge transfer with experts, and to discover trends and innovations, remains huge and unabated, especially in these exceptional times. Even in this era of coronavirus, the entire sector is absolutely determined to come together to discuss the latest issues, even if only in the digital sphere. However, in the light of the pandemic and based on our ongoing dialogue with the community and a comprehensive survey of exhibitors and visitors, we trust that our decision to host a digital event will now enable all players from the sector to plan ahead in good time. I very much regret that the physical trade fair cannot take place and stress that this decision was an extremely difficult one for all of us. However, before we all meet again on site in Nuremberg in 2022, the BIOFACH / VIVANESS eSpecial will offer an ideal platform for professional dialogue in 2021.”
Exhibitor presentations – networking – congress
The BIOFACH / VIVANESS 2021 eSpecial provides a comprehensive range of innovative options such as corporate and product presentations, discussion and dialogue formats like round tables, and other formats for networking with industry experts. Sophisticated matchmaking functions that help interested parties to find the right exhibitors and vice versa are another integral part of the eSpecial format. BIOFACH and VIVANESS 2021 also offers the organic food and natural and organic cosmetics community extensive access to knowledge transfer at the BIOFACH and VIVANESS Congress, which has a global reach. The main congress theme in 2021 will be: Shaping Transformation. Stronger. Together.

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AEB discute incremento da região portuária do Rip

AEB discute incremento da região portuária do Rip

A Câmara de Logística Integrada da Associação de Comércio Exterior do Brasil (AEB) realizou, na sede da entidade, reunião em que as questões relacionadas ao incremento das atividades da região portuária e do Porto do Rio de Janeiro e a importância das ações inerentes a sua atividade para a economia da cidade e do estado do Rio de Janeiro foram os principais temas em pauta.

O encontro contou com a presença de Marcelo Rotemberg, superintendente Regional do Centro do Rio de Janeiro, que representou o prefeito Marcelo Crivella. Na ocasião, ele apresentou as propostas da Prefeitura para a região portuária, entre as quais está a de assumir a administração do Porto do Rio, que hoje é feita pela Cia. Docas. Ele manifestou a posição do governo municipal de ter uma participação mais presente nas discussões e decisões relacionadas ao setor de comércio exterior. “Estamos abertos ao diálogo. A Prefeitura quer ser parceira do setor exportador, pois as atividades do Porto do Rio são fundamentais para a recuperação econômica, não só da cidade, mas também do estado”, pontuou.

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FRUIT ATTRACTION is planning a 2017 edition packed with new features and more than 1,500 companies

FRUIT ATTRACTION is planning a 2017 edition packed with new features and more than 1,500 companies

Organised by IFEMA and FEPEX, the trade fair will take place from 18 to 20 October.

Fruit Attraction 2017, organised by IFEMA and FEPEX, will take place from 18 to 20 October 2017 in Halls 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. More than 1,500 companies from the entire fruit and vegetable sector value chain are expected to take part, representing a 20% increase after the success achieved in 2016.

One factor that has made this one of the sector’s main international events is the fact that it takes place in October, a key moment when fruit and vegetable suppliers and buyers sign agreements.
Southern Europe is becoming firmly established as an important, expanding hub for the global fruit and vegetable trade, and a gateway to Europe from Latin America. This gives Fruit Attraction strategic importance as a major platform and international meeting point for fresh produce operators.

The organisers of this trade show have worked hard to put a strategic roadmap in place that will allow them to continue offering international markets a highly efficient marketing tool in years to come, which is why the 2017 edition will be packed with new features.

The next edition of Fruit Attraction will provide more resources by inviting the largest possible number of buyers, importers and traders from countries that have been performing well in recent years in terms of their fresh produce imports from the European Union. This year, for the first time, it is organising the GUEST BUYER MARKET initiative, featuring Brazil and China, and will carry out activities to encourage growth and development of trade relations among the main agents in these markets, attracting leading buyers, operators, importers and retailers from both nations.
THE NUTS HUB: a new area devoted to nuts, a strategic sector given the value of Spanish production and its high quality in comparison to other producer countries.

As part of Fruit Attraction’s mission to contribute to the sector, it has created the LANZADERA programme, a new “ready2exhibit” exhibition space, consisting of six-square metre-exhibition spaces at a very competitive price. The idea is to draw attention to new sector companies that have been created within the last two years, with a view to encouraging entrepreneurship, new fruit and vegetable companies and young entrepreneurs. This section that includes a 12,000-euro prize for the best project at the exhibition.
FRESH´N´STAR: This new programme encompasses the entire directory of participating companies, seminars and a product exhibition featuring the two stars of the show, which will be lettuces and pomegranates.
SMART AGRO: spacious new exhibition area designed to drive digital transformation and technological innovation in all the links in the agro-food chain; production, transformation, distribution and marketing, as well as R&D+i activities in the fruit and vegetable sector, to achieve more efficient production, with higher levels of quality and control and lower environmental impact. A space brimming with innovation and knowledge with talks and some very practical workshops.
In the same way, as in earlier editions, Fruit Attraction is boosting the ORGANIC HUB area for organic fruit and vegetables, demand for which is growing in the international market.
As well as these, the Trade Fair will have its traditional areas –Pasarela Innova and Foro Innova- for presenting the latest new products, varieties and brands that exhibitor companies are offering to the fruit and vegetable market for the first time. The sector’s great festival will once again feature Fruit Fusion, the gastronomy area of Fruit Attraction, with attractive demonstrations and showcookings.
Once again, 200 technical seminars and activities will make these three days a knowledge centre for the sector, with an extensive programme covering a wide range of topics and high level participants and speakers. One of these is the 6th International Postharvest Unlimited Conference, which will take place as part of Fruit Attraction from 17 to 20 October (
All in all, as well as being an essential tool for positioning products in the international produce market, the International Trade Show for the Fruit and Vegetable Industry is a place for innovation and for presenting varieties and references to the world.

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Balança comercial: quarta semana de março tem superávit de US$ 1,6 bi

Balança comercial: quarta semana de março tem superávit de US$ 1,6 bi

Exportação de carnes teve média diária de US$ 50,5 milhões, com queda de 19% em relação ao registrado até a terceira semana do mês

Na quarta semana de março de 2017, a balança comercial registrou superávit de US$ 1,602 bilhão, resultado de exportações no valor de US$ 4,453 bilhões e importações de US$ 2,851 bilhões. No mês, as exportações somam US$ 15,982 bilhões e as importações, US$ 10,525 bilhões, com saldo positivo de US$ 5,457 bilhões. No ano, as exportações totalizam US$ 46,363 bilhões e as importações, US$ 33,627 bilhões, com saldo positivo de US$ 12,736 bilhões. Quanto ao grupo das carnes, a média diária de exportações da quarta semana foi de US$ 50,5 milhões, com queda de 19% menor em relação ao valor registrado até a terceira semana de março (US$ 62,2 milhões).

A média das exportações da quarta semana (US$ 890,6 milhões) foi 0,4% acima da média até a terceira semana (US$ 886,9 milhões) em razão do aumento nas exportações de produtos básicos (+3,9%, por conta de soja em grãos, minério de ferro, cinzas e resíduos de metais preciosos, mel natural). Caíram as vendas de produtos semimanufaturados (-15,5%, em razão de açúcar em bruto, ferro-ligas, semimanufaturados de ferro/aço, couros e peles, alumínio em bruto) e manufaturados (-0,7%, em razão de laminados planos de ferro/aço, óleos combustíveis, hidrocarbonetos e seus derivados halogenados, óxidos e hidróxidos de alumínio, tubos de ferro fundido).

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